Archive for the '_general' Category

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27 May 2010

Okay.  I tried the podcast thing.  I throughly enjoyed the podcast thing.  I would do the podcast thing til the end of time if I could.  But the fact is it takes too long to record and edit and more often than not I think of other things to say as soon as it uploads… so, that said, I’m switching back to writing for a while.

All four of you are vastly disappointed, I’m sure.

Also I’m going to quit naming the titles after quotes from the movie I’m reviewing.  While it looks pretty cool visually and is a nice introduction to tone, it wreaks havoc on links.  I mean seriously, if I have to see I’VE NEVER KNOW ANYONE LONGER THAN A SHORT TIME or ONE TWO THREE BRANCH ever again, my eyes will bleed.

Alright, now that that’s all out of the way, on with the show!

PODCASTING / The Frighteners

12 April 2010

I’ve been toying with the idea of starting a Podcast and this weekend I figured what the heck, why not, and just dove in.  I think from now on I’ll be recording my reviews instead of just typing them up because, frankly, it’s WAY MORE FUN.

The podcast is going to negate the need for (and use of) this blog quite a bit, if not entirely.  I don’t want to take it down completely, because it still houses the old reviews, but I don’t want to have to update it every time I post a new podcast… that’s just redundant.  so! we’ll see how things change in the next few weeks.

You can listen to Episode 01 of JDTcast and subscribe to future episodes RIGHT OVER HERE.  Obviously I’m just starting out on this and according to my friend Kim it’s not a real podcast until I have a theme song (somebody want to get on that?) but it would be great to get some subscribers right on in the beginning.

In amongst the introductory nonsense, this first episode features some thoughts on The Frighteners.

radio silence

19 March 2010

Hey folks, sorry for the lack of posts & movies lately.  Real Life threw a curve and I had to put the marathon on hold for a week or so.  Take this time, if you would, to let me know what I should be watching when I get back to it!  I’ve been getting a bunch of titles over twitter but it’s easier to keep track of on here.


5 February 2010

Just a reminder to myself, I wanted to write posts up for The Cove, Motorcycle Diaries and Lord of the Flies.

a quick message from your friendly neighborhood movieblogger

11 January 2010

Just an FYI, given that I have a life beyond movies and blogging (damn!) I probably won’t be writing reviews for every one of the 365 films.  Though that is the goal it isn’t really feasible.  If there is a movie you spot on 365in365 that you’d especially like to hear my take on, don’t hesitate to let me know via the suggestion box!  I may go back and review films out of order given the opportunity.

take two

11 January 2010


After a short, unappealing stint of existence on Tumblr, I have made the transition to and I think I’ll be a little happier here…even if I didn’t get the username I wanted.

The first few posts will be reuploads of older reviews, just to keep the archives consistent.  I also want to see if there’s a way to set up a ‘submissions’ page, so people can comment with movies I should see.

Let the chaos begin!